The Bath Bombs With A Prize Inside
Bubbly Belle bath bombs promise all the joy of other bath bombs. The chance to relax in a warm tub and soothe your cares from the day away. Unlike other bath bombs, however, Bubbly Belle bath bombs end their show with a hidden prize inside – and a chance to win something even better!
Remember when you were a kid and you begged your mother to buy X brand of cereal JUST for the prize hidden inside? Or, even though the debate of whether or not Cracker Jacks actually tasted great, you suffered through them anyway just for that tiny little reward at the bottom of the box. (And why was it a miniature paper comic 90% of the time?)
Lucky for you, you can bring back those fond childhood memories. And, you don’t have to eat anything you don’t want to.
Where the joy of most bath bombs is short lived, the bath bombs from Bubbly Belle are not. Sure they perform the same as most bath bombs. They fizz and spin and tint your bath a beautiful array of colors. Although, once the water show is over, you’re rewarded with a prize inside!
Just like those days of old. (Er, years past.) This time however, you’re actually get a prize with real value. Tucked inside every Bubbly Belle bath bomb is a beautiful ring. So you have something to show for your money even after the bath bomb is gone.
I had the chance to try three different bath bombs from Bubbly Belle. While I wasn’t sure about some of the fragrances, once they were in the tub the scents were perfect! I also love that their bath bombs don’t stain the tub. But seriously, my favorite part has to be the rings.
Every bath bomb from Bubbly Belle comes with a ring inside. Each ring is valued at $15 or more and are custom designed specifically for Bubbly Belle customers. Additionally, the rings must pass multiple quality assurance tests, including fluorescence and allergy tests, so you know you’re getting a quality product. You even get to choose your ring size!
There’s a code with the ring hidden inside each bath bomb your receive from Bubbly Belle. This code will tell you the value of your ring. You’ll also be entered to win a $100, $1000 or $10,000 ring!
Afterwards, there’s also a second chance to play, in which I won the opportunity to purchase a bath bomb for just $1!
If you’re ready to dive into some self care, or you’re looking for a unique gift idea, look no further than Bubbly Belle bath bombs! Visit Bubbly Belle now to take advantage of a special limited time offer and enter for your chance to win!
Don’t forget to come back and share your experience with Bubbly Belle bath bombs! I’d love to hear about your experience – and find out what you won!
Head over to Bubbly Belle to order some of our one-of-a-kind bath bombs.
(source: http://soapdelinews.com/2018/09/the-bath-bombs-with-a-prize-inside.html)