7 Summer Diffuser Blends: Best Essential Oils for Summer
One common misconception is that because of how hot it can get in the summer, diffusers and essential oils are out of the question. Although it is true that diffusers deposit oils into the air, that does not mean they will produce humidity or a strong sticky feeling.
Oftentimes, essential oils can not only help keep the summer heat, but can also help to improve mood, efficiency, and motivation when making plans and going on vacations. Here are the seven best essential oils for the summer, and what they are good for, along with blend suggestions when trying to get the best effect!
1. Peppermint Oil
Peppermint oil is definitely a go-to for sunlight-derived migraines, as well as stress migraines. It significantly lessens headaches and other migraine-related pain, and thus it’s a go-to essential oil for all seasons. What makes it necessary for the summer is that it can be diffused during hot periods of the day, and because of the scent and smell, the minty feeling can help cool you down in the heat.
The reason it works for cooling off is the same reason it works for headaches and pain relief. It contains menthol, which increases the cooling sensation. This makes it the absolute best essential oil to carry around with you as you go out during the summer season.
If using it for headache relief, you can use the Head Ease roller, which is peppermint and lavender oil, in order to help with the tension. These two oils are some of the most versatile, thus making them a great option for the summer.
You can mix this one with lavender oil to enforce the relaxation and headache ease, and to allow for a greater sense of relaxation. Lavender helps with mental health and muscle relaxation. This can work well with peppermint oil because the menthol also works as numbing properties in order to cause relief both mentally and physically.
2. Lavender Oil
Another constant go-to oil, lavender oil is essential to have during the summer. Not just because of its relaxing and de-stressing qualities, but also because of its ability to soothe sunburns when used on the skin. When diffused into the air, though, it helps to keep you relaxed, as well as helps you fall asleep during hot summer nights.
Lavender oil can help to treat headaches caused by the sun, stress, or too much drinking on the night before! This blend can be diluted with sweet almond oil in order to give a more uplifting quality. Along with this, it can be mixed with orange oil to increase bliss and energy.
Lavender oil can also help with mental health. Things like insomnia, depression, and anxiety should be the least of your worries during a vacation or a day of relaxation. Thus, using lavender oil can help to subside the symptoms of these mental health issues, at least momentarily, to allow you to enjoy your summer without the constant worry.
3. Energy Boost Blend
When out with friends, or when planning fun events with the people you love, you definitely don't want to be exhausted or tired. For this reason, the energizer blend is a definite go-to for outings.
The Energizer Blend will help keep you on your feet, as well as upbeat. For this one, there is no need to create your own blend to put in the diffuser, it is already done for you.
4. Lemon Oil
Another essential oil that you can use is lemon oil. This oil is really helpful with not only soothing a sore throat from a rough night out, or a long night outdoors, but it can also maintain your immune system in good condition when used with eucalyptus oil.
Lemon essential oil can also help boost your mood, helping you get out of your head, and clearing up anxiety that may follow suit.
Aside from this, it has been shown to help brain power. It was shown to help increase alertness and concentration, making it easier for you to focus on what you're doing if you're working on a summer project, or even if you have to work over the summer. Even so, the most significant effect is the immunity boost it can provide.
Mixing it with eucalyptus oil helps maintain a healthy immune system. You can add one to two drops of each into the diffuser, or you can use the Immunity Booster oil that is already blended for you. This one is available for both the diffuser and as a roll on, which makes it easier yet to have for summer use.
5. Jasmine, Lime, and Sandalwood
Mixing these will give you an indoor ocean breeze when you can't go to the beach. If you're stuck at home, hanging out with your kids, or stuck in the office, you can use these to mimic the ocean.
The best part: these oils all help aid relaxation as well! Adding these into your diffuser will make you feel like you are at the beach without the sand in your shoes or the saltwater on your hair. It's not the same as being there, but it’s a step up from sitting in a room and stressing out.
Jasmine oil also helps to increase circulation, helping you to focus at work. When not at work, it is also used as a romantic essential oil, helping with the summer nights with your special someone. The sandalwood oil does the same but also helps to relax the muscles, which helps with muscle tension that may have built up due to stress and work problems.
6. Lemon, Orange, and Vanilla
Although the benefits of using lemon oil were already explained, a blend that includes lemon, orange, and vanilla is helpful in introducing an uplifting mood for the summer. Orange helps to not only lift the mood, but it helps aid in increasing circulation, which allows for greater energy and oxygen distribution. This helps you to maintain an upbeat attitude throughout your day!
Vanilla oil has the ability to soothe the mind or calm you. This will definitely help you if you tend to overthink about every small detail within your day, trip, or work schedule. Mixing these three together not only will help you calm down significantly if you are in a high-stress environment, but will also help bring a feeling of bliss. You can mix these individually in the diffuser, or you can use the Bliss essential oil blend that is already done for you, so you have less to worry about and more time to relax.
7. Peppermint, Lemon, and Orange
This blend takes a series of the oils we have discussed and mixes them for more uplifting and summer-scented vibes. The peppermint helps with relaxation, and the lemon and orange help with health and upbeat moods.
Blending all of them together allows for a citrus scent that screams summer, and because the peppermint had menthol, it helps beat the summer heat as well. As an added plus, the peppermint oil can help with any potential headaches.
How To Use the Oils
These blends are meant to be put in a diffuser. In order to do this, you put a few drops of the oils and blends into the diffuser. The diffuser will disperse it into the air.
There is also another way to apply it. There are also roller essential oils available in some of the blends, like Bliss and Energizer. These can be applied onto the skin because they are already diluted, and can be applied to the side of the ears, the forehead, and the back of the head as well.
Essential Oils and Summer Time
The essential oils and blends described are used during the summer both to stay cool, calm, and relaxed, but also to give yourself the scent of summer when you can’t go out to the beach or to your favorite lemonade spot.
The oils mainly focus on both mental and physical relaxation. This helps to make sure you have a relaxing, blissful, and enjoyable summer. Toss them into your diffuser and enjoy the rest of your summer!
Lemon Essential Oil: Benefits, Side Effects, How to Use, and More | Healthline
Vanilla: Health Benefits, Nutrients per Serving, Uses, and More | WebMD
Sandalwood Oil: Health Benefits and Uses | Healthline
What Lavender Can Do for You: Origin, Uses, and More | Healthline